Burglary is indeed a serious offense with severe penalties in the state of Florida. The term “burglary” covers a wide range of criminal activities. Penalties vary upon the type of burglary committed and the situation in which it occurred.
Here is more in-depth information on vandalism, the various types of burglary, and crime in West Palm Beach.
What is Burglary? Burglary, as carefully defined by Florida Statute 810.02, includes situations when a criminal:
1. Enters silently with the intent to steal, harm or commit another crime.
2. Attempts to commit a forcible felony such as:
- Manslaughter
- Murder
- Sexual battery
- Aggravated assault
- Robbery
It’s important to recognize that these consequences strictly apply to private property and exclude areas that are open to the general public. The charge of burglary is often times compounded with other charges.
Common charges that are associated with burglary include:
- Breaking and entering
- Arson
- Trespassing
- Vandalism
What Are the Offenses? Burglary offenses still apply even there is no property damage in a crime. Basically, the intention to commit a crime is enough to be charged in a court of law. At the lowest, burglary is considered a third-degree felony. If the crime meets these standards, then the accused can face up to $5,000 in fines and/or up to five years in prison.
If the offender does not commit assault or battery, then the charge is elevated to a second-degree felony. A second-degree felony is normally punished by up to $10,000 in fines and / or up to 15 years in prison.
However, if at any point during the crime the offender commits the following, then he or she will likely be charged with a first-degree felony and up to $10,000 in fines and / or up to 30 years in prison.
- Assaults another person; or
- Becomes or is armed whilst within the structure, dwelling or conveyance, with explosives or dangerous weapons; or
- Go into an unoccupied structure or dwelling, whilst using a vehicle as more than just a getaway vehicle, causing damages to the structure or dwelling, or causes more than $1,000 in damage to the structure or dwelling, or even inside property.
What Happens if You Commit Theft?
In the state of Florida, burglary and vandalism is very serious. Our Florida criminal attorneys at Farkas & Crowley defend individuals with violent criminal charges in West Palm Beach with the utmost personal care and attention to detail.
We have a great deal of experience representing individuals charged with a range of property offenses, from breaking and entering to burglary.
Violent Crime Lawyers West Palm Beach
Our team thoroughly reviews each and every case in order to fight to minimize or dismiss charges. Call us today on (561) 444-9529 for an absolutely free consultation and get the service you legally deserve.
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