Why Does Farkas & Crowley Focus On Serious Crimes? (video)

Why does Farkas & Crowley focus on serious crimes- - Farkas & Crowley, P.A. - YouTube 2024-09-03 10-31-19

Adam Farkas, a partner in the law practice of Farkas & Crowley of West Palm Beach, Florida, discusses the why and how of the firm’s focus on serious crimes. Through a contract with the Office of Regional Conflict Counsel during their first year as a firm, they began working with clients who were already charged […]


Why do you practice criminal defense- - Farkas & Crowley

Adam Farkas, a partner in the law practice of Farkas & Crowley of West Palm Beach, Florida, discusses the reasons they focus on criminal defense for their law practice and their clients. He discusses the “business model” of the criminal justice system and the Catch-22 that defendants find themselves facing after they’re arrested makes them […]

Can I Cut Off an Interview With an Officer?

police interview rights

Scenario #1: a police officer speaks with you in public, seemingly randomly. Are you required to continue the conversation? Scenario #2: you’ve been asked to “come in to answer a few questions.” You may decide to voluntarily speak with the police since you’re not involved in the investigation. Or are you? Scenario #3: you’ve been […]

The Deference and Consequences of Remaining Silent vs Denying Everything

remaining silent vs denying everything during police arrest

Understanding the impact of remaining silent vs denying everything can affect your legal situation. When a police officer begins an arrest, one thing they will do is read you the so-called Miranda Warning, which includes your right to remain silent. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used […]

Do The Police Need To Read The Miranda Rights Any Time I’m Arrested? (Video)

Do I have to be read my miranda rights any time I-m arrested- - Farkas & Crowley

Jacqueline Crowley, a partner in the law practice of Farkas & Crowley of West Palm Beach, Florida, explains the purpose of the Miranda Rights Warning, which is more about questioning and interrogation than related to an arrest. Both attorneys, Adam Farkas and Jacqueline Crowley have experience and strong legal backgrounds. Together they serve their clients, […]

What Is An Arraignment?

Arraignment - Legal Concept

Following an arrest, an arraignment is the first court appearance a defendant will make. They may or may not still be in custody when the arraignment is scheduled. In this hearing, the prosecution formally announces the charges against a defendant. The judge then asks the defendant how they wish to plead against the charges: guilty, […]

Theft Crimes: Understanding the Basics

theft crime arrest in west palm beach

Theft is the act of taking another person’s property from them either temporarily or permanently with the intent to deprive the owner of the use or a benefit the property provides, appropriating the property for use by a person who is not entitled to use the property or convert the property to unauthorized use, i.e, […]

Analyzing the Impact of Florida’s 10-20-Life Law on Weapon-Related Felonies

Guns, ammunition and shackle placed in a dark table for the 10-20-Life Concept

Committing a crime is one thing, but committing a crime with the addition of a firearm elevates it to a new level. Even just the possession of any firearm can lead to a mandatory 10-year minimum sentencing for a first offense. The penalties increase for discharging the weapon increase to 20 years, and harming or […]

Defensive Strategies in High-Profile Murder Trials

high profile murder arrest trial in west palm beach Florida

It’s the most serious felony a person can be charged with and includes the harshest penalties of any crime in the Sunshine State. Your freedom—and possibly your life—is at stake if you are convicted. Legal representation is vital from the very beginning of a murder trial case. A murder case also draws attention, either to […]

Navigating Complexities in Federal Drug Trafficking Cases

federal drug trafficking case in west palm beach

Federal drug trafficking is much more serious than simple possession, which is usually prosecuted at the state level. The manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute the drugs across state lines moves it to the federal level, with increased consequences. This includes any controlled substances, both prescription drugs and illegal ones like marijuana […]