DUI Lawyer
Drunk drivers are the reason for thousands upon thousands of car crashes all across the globe. People who choose to get behind the wheel while drunk are endangering the health and lives of those around them. Victims of DUI accidents may consider filing a lawsuit against the offender for damages such as medical bills, loss of wages, property damage, and more.
If you or someone you know was recently hit by a drunk driver, chances are you may have been asked to be a part of the offender’s criminal trial too. Depending on the factors of the drunk driving accident, you may or may not be willing to participate. Victims must be informed of their rights in an offender’s criminal trial, including:
- The right to be treated with privacy, dignity, and fairness, along with being free of harassment, intimidation, or abuse from the criminal justice process.
- The right to be protected from those acting on behalf of the defendant, including the defendant themselves.
- The right to have records or other information confidential and not disclosed to the defendant and his or her legal team.
- The right to be notified about the defendant’s case and be present for such proceedings.
- The right to refuse to provide a statement or interview for the discovery process as requested by the defendant’s legal team.
- The right to be heard during any post-arrest release verdict, post-conviction release decisions, plea, sentencing, delinquency hearing, or other proceeding where the victim’s rights or safety is an issue.
- The right of the victim and family to be considered when deciding bail or conditions of release.
Those who have been hit by a drunk driver may find themselves in the midst of two different legal cases, including their civil suit and the offender’s criminal case. As a DUI lawyer from Cohen & Cohen, P.C. would advise, victims of DUI accidents must understand their rights so they can act in a way that keeps them safe and protected.