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Family Law

Family Law Lawyer West Palm Beach FL

If you plan to get a divorce, you should get in touch with a family law lawyer West Palm Beach, FL residents trust. Getting a divorce is no picnic, but having someone knowledgeable and experienced on your side can make the process a little easier. A lawyer can help you file the paperwork and improve your chances of a favorable settlement.

Important Things You Should Know About Getting Divorced

Getting divorced can be one of the most difficult times of your life and cause you to feel a wide range of emotions. However, if you educate yourself about the process ahead of time, it can simplify things.

Here are some important things you should know about getting divorced:

When you’re going through a divorce, you may feel sad, angry and betrayed. All of these emotions may cloud your judgment and cause you to make poor decisions. Before you make an important decision, you should think it through very carefully. For example, if you want to keep the family home, ask yourself if you can realistically afford the mortgage. If you can’t, it may be best to let it go.

It’s easy to dwell on all the different ways your spouse has wronged you in the past. However, if you constantly live in the past, you won’t be able to move on. Instead, concentrate on the big picture and make decisions that are in your family’s best interests. Try to work with your spouse to reach a favorable agreement and don’t sweat the small stuff.

In order to get the best outcome from your divorce, you have to be completely truthful with your family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL. If you try to hide something from your lawyer, such as certain assets, it could backfire later. Don’t be embarrassed to tell your lawyer anything because he or she has likely heard it before.

It’s understandable that you may be very angry with your spouse. However, if the two of you have children, you should be careful about what you say in front of them. Even though you don’t get along with your spouse anymore, he or she is still your kids’ parent. If they hear you saying negative things about your spouse, it could add to their stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

There going to be many different factors which are going to be taken into consideration when the court makes a decision about the custody of your children. They may take into account your living situation, proximity to other family, proximity to schools and the income of each parent. First and foremost a judge will help determine a custody arrangement that best fits the child’s interest and needs, if there has not been any custody agreement decided by the parents. This means that there may not be a need for the child to be separated from one parent, meaning a judge may typically favor joint custody arrangements when they are applicable. However under some circumstances a judge will warrant that a single custody arrangement might be in the child’s best interest if there is a history of abuse, drug or alcohol use and mental or physical health issues. The bottom line is that the judge is going to focus on your child’s interest and protect them.

In the same threat is child custody, child support is going to be determined to protect the best interest of the child. Judges away a number of factors, namely the ability of one parent to support the child in the financial status of the other. Additional factors will be considered to include any special education needs of the child, the physical or mental health of the child or either parent and the credentials of ability of the recipient to obtain work. New.

If the noncustodial parent was behind on child support payments you do have options for enforcing it but they have to be carried out to the court system. The courts would use various methods to collect any back child support payments these methods can include income withholding, wage garnishment, interception of tax refunds, liens or attachments of the property and more. Additionally a court may take punitive actions of these methods are unsuccessful which might include license suspension, passport denial and jail time.

Prenuptial agreements are the choice of you and your spouse however they are able to be very beneficial to put down terms of what will happen your assets, property or your children should you ever divorce. Prenups can be beneficial for every marriage however typical reasons for a couple deciding to have a prenup bar significant differences in age, a significant difference in financial status, one or both parties have children from previous marriages I want to ensure they inherit certain assets, one or both parties want to protect business partners.

Every divorce case takes a different length of time depending on the unique circumstances, and every divorce is unique. This is going to depend on how many issues are contested and how quickly you and your spouse can come to agreements. The most common factors that may affect going to the process include the ability for you to cooperate with your spouse, honesty about existing assets and openness to negotiations and willingness to make sacrifices.

5 Common Myths About Divorce

Divorce is an often-complicated legal issue to deal with, no matter how easy it looks in pop culture. While it’s true in some states that you can get a divorce for less than $500, costs can easily soar to tens of thousands of dollars. When real estate, property, prenuptial agreements, businesses and children are in the picture, divorce just gets more and more complicated. You need a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL, such as Farkas & Crowley, PA to dispel some of the popular myths about divorce.

It depends on what state you’re in. Florida is a no-fault divorce state, one of 12 in the country. That means you can file for divorce because your marriage is broken and can’t be fixed. You don’t have to prove adultery, mental incapacity or drug addiction to get a divorce in a no-fault state.

Fathers’ rights are becoming more and more prevalent across the nation. Custody X Change did a study that showed that of states strive to give equal parenting time to both parents. Twenty states, including Florida, strive to give dads of the custody of their children.

There are two kinds of divorce: uncontested and contested. Uncontested divorces are growing in number as more couples agree on splitting up their money, property, and child custody without having to involve a judge. Only contested divorces involve any “fighting.” If a couple can’t agree on just one point of their divorce, they have to go before a judge who will make that decision for them. If your divorce is contested, you may want to hire a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL, such as Farkas & Crowley, PA.

In many states, children as young as 12 can talk to the judge about which parent they want to live with. And those wishes may be taken into account when the judge hands down the custody decree. But children’s wishes don’t always make a difference. If one parent is clearly unsafe for the kids to be around, for example, the other parent will likely get primary custody.

Child support and child custody are two entirely different issues. Even if you’re unable to pay your child support, your ex can’t prevent you from seeing your kids. If your ex is trying to keep your kids from you, for whatever reason, you definitely should consider hiring a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL.

What Types of Issues Does a Family Lawyer Handle?

If you find yourself needing an attorney, you may be interested in a family lawyer. A family lawyer is someone who specializes in issues related to couples, families, and children. There are numerous issues that a family lawyer can handle, but you need to find the right attorney to represent you. If you are looking for a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL, you might have thought about going with an attorney from Farkas & Crowley, PA. What types of issues can a family lawyer help with?

One of the most common issues that a family lawyer handles is divorce. Nobody enters into a marriage thinking they will get divorced in the future, but this is something that could be in the best interest of both parties. Even if you think the divorce is going to proceed amicably, it is still important to hire a lawyer who can streamline the process on your behalf.

Another common issue that a family lawyer can handle is child custody. Sometimes, child custody arrangements need to be made following a divorce. There are other situations where parents might pass away and a relative or close friend has to be given child custody. Because there are numerous contingencies to think about, it is always a good idea to hire a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL who can help you deal with child custody issues.

Sometimes, changes need to be made involving child support and alimony following a divorce. Financial situations can change, and someone may get remarried. Furthermore, when children turn 18, child support payments may need to stop. If you have issues with existing child support and alimony payments, you need to work with a family attorney who can assist you. A family lawyer can take a look at the agreements, see how the situation has changed, and make fair recommendations.

Find a Family Lawyer To Help You

These are just a few of the many issues that a family lawyer can help with. If you are looking for a family lawyer in the local area, take the time to find the right person to represent you. You might even be looking for a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL, such as a member of Farkas & Crowley, PA. You deserve to have an attorney who can vigorously defend your rights.

Schedule a consultation with a family law lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL today. Call Farkas & Crowley, PA today.

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