Analyzing the Impact of Florida’s 10-20-Life Law on Weapon-Related Felonies

Committing a crime is one thing, but committing a crime with the addition of a firearm elevates it to a new level. Even just the possession of any firearm can lead to a mandatory 10-year minimum sentencing for a first offense. The penalties increase for discharging the weapon increase to 20 years, and harming or […]
What Is Florida’s 10/20/Life Statute?

Jacqueline Crowley, a partner in the law practice of Farkas & Crowley of West Palm Beach, Florida, explains Florida’s concept of 10/20/Life statute, addressing the inclusion of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Both attorneys, Adam Farkas and Jacqueline Crowley have experience and strong legal backgrounds. Together they serve their clients, and as […]
Defending Clients in the Sunshine State

Since 2010, Florida has experienced a population increase of over 3.4 million. In 2022 alone, the inbound migration came primarily from New York, California, and New Jersey. Every day, roughly 1200 people are moving into Florida from elsewhere. Many people find themselves unexpectedly arrested or otherwise involved in a criminal case. They may not even […]

Jacqueline Crowley, a partner in the law practice of Farkas & Crowley of West Palm Beach, Florida, reviews briefly in this video about how Farkas & Crowley is different from other law firms when dealing with sex crimes. Both attorneys, Adam Farkas and Jacqueline Crowley have experience and strong legal backgrounds. Together they serve their […]

West Palm Beach lawyers Farkas & Crowley provide legal services across many areas of practice. Here we have Jacqueline Crowley highlighting the unique aspects of their firm. Contact the law firm of Farkas & Crowley 24/7 at 561-444-9529 or learn more from their website. The firm offers aggressive and skilled representation for individuals in three […]
Ways To Handle a DUI Stop In West Palm Beach

Because driving under the influence (DUIs) represents a potential danger to the impaired driver and everyone else near or on a roadway, law enforcement officials in the West Palm Beach area take DUI infractions very seriously. A DUI checkpoint is part of their protocol but they can be unexpected and uncomfortable. In addition to pulling […]
Types of Assault

Florida law currently defines assault as the “intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.” The threat is a key part of […]