West Palm Beach DUI Attorneys

Located in West Palm Beach, FL and Serving Clients throughout Florida

DUIs come with very serious penalties in Florida. Whether this is your first offense or your fourth, you need an experienced criminal defense team by your side. An attorney will protect your rights and possibly help keep your license.

What is a DUI Under Florida Law? Driving Under the Influence or DUI is when a person is driving while under the physical control of alcohol or another controlled substance. If the individual’s blood alcohol level is 0.08 percent or higher, then he or she is guilty of a DUI. A person does not have to be drunk to be arrested for a DUI.

The Penalties of a DUI: The penalties for a DUI can be harsh, especially if this is not your first DUI offense. That is why you must have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side. The DUI penalties handed down the by courts are based on how frequently you are convicted of DUIs and the severity of each offense. You could also be subjected to administrative penalties from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, which could include financial and personal penalties. Some penalties you could face include:

  • First Offense – Up to $1,000 in fines, 180 days license suspension, six to nine months in jail, community service, probation, and an interlock device.
  • Second Offense – Up to $4,000 in fines, one year probation or one year jail time, impounded vehicle, interlock device for one year, and more.
  • Third Offense – Up to $5,000 in fines, one year jail time or probation, ten years license suspension, two years of an interlock device.
  • Fourth Offense – Up to $5,000 in fines, one year jail time and probation up to five years, ten-day impoundment, two-year interlock device, and DUI Counter Attack School.

What Are My Defense Options?

DUI cases do not always make it to trial. Your attorney may be able to challenge the charges long before it ever sees the inside of a courtroom. If possible, we can get the DUI charges dropped. If it does go to trial, we will put up a rigorous defense and challenge the prosecution’s evidence.

Defense options can include the following:

  • Challenging the police officer’s stop
  • Challenging any field sobriety tests that were administered
  • Challenging the accuracy of the breathalyzer – these are often left inaccurately calibrated and can result in inaccurate BAC levels.
  • Suppressing any statements you made to the police
  • Suppressing evidence that may be used against you

Contact the DUI Defense Team at Farkas & Crowley Today. If you have been arrested for a DUI offense, our team of experienced attorneys will launch a vigorous criminal defense on your behalf.  We have thorough knowledge and understanding regarding Florida’s DUI laws.

As experienced trial attorneys with years of experience in the prosecutor’s office, we can help you defend your rights and reach the best possible outcome for your case.

Arrested for a DUI Offense? You Need Help, Contact Us online or call (561)-444-9529 NOW!

Police Officer holding a breathalyzer for DUI

Looking for a criminal law firm? Farkas & Crowley, P.A. are the attorneys for you. They are extremely knowledgeable of the law and go the extra mile for their clients. Their expertise and impeccable work ethic are hard to beat. Available 24/7. Highly recommended.

-Marla Newman

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500 S. Australian Ave.
6th Floor
West Palm Beach, FL 33401


(561) - 444 - 9529


Mon - Fri: 9 am – 5 pm

Farkas & Crowley, PA

Criminal Defense & Family Law Lawyers