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6 Ways a Criminal Conviction May Impact Your Life

Criminal Defense Lawyer Did you know that even if you are found not guilty at trial when accused of a criminal offense, your record may still contain the criminal charge? A criminal defense lawyer from a firm like West Palm Beach law firm Farkas and Crowley can explain why, in many jurisdictions, the same is […]

What To Do If You’ve Been Hit by an Uninsured Driver

Getting into a car accident is stressful no matter what the circumstances are. When you have been hit by an uninsured driver, the stress level goes up considerably as you are left to wonder who will pay for damages to you and your vehicle. If you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation, keep calm […]

Personal Injury Claims and Bankruptcy

Out of Control Medical Bills Do you have medical bills piling up because someone hurt you in a car wreck and you do not have health insurance? Is the other person’s insurance company stonewalling you while your bills are being sent to collections? Are the harassing phone calls and letters from bill collectors stressing you […]

Miranda Rights: A Brief History and Explanation

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.” It is impossible to watch an American crime drama without hearing police use this […]

The Future of Expungements 

Throughout the country the future of expungements may be changing. Currently, expungements are used by many who are charged with various different crimes to seal their record. By sealing their record, they are able to apply for jobs, government benefits, and feel confident about the future of their careers and life in general. However, there […]

How To Determine Fault in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal Injury Lawyer After a car accident, before you can file a personal injury lawsuit, you have to determine fault or who is responsible for the accident. In some cases, it may be obvious who was at fault. For example, when a car runs a red light and hits another, the vehicle that ran the […]

Adjusting to Life with a Traumatic Brain Injury

Getting injured in an accident is difficult enough, but when you sustain a traumatic brain injury, it is often life changing. If you or someone you care about is going through this, you need to contact a brain injury lawyer, like a lawyer from Hall-Justice Law Firm, as soon as possible. You deserve to have […]

Hiring a High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer

High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer No matter your financial situation, having to go through a divorce can be an intimidating experience. For those with complex or substantial assets and property, the process of division can quickly become costly and confusing. When you have a lot of assets, debts and others tied together with your spouse, […]

Helpful Tips for a Smoother Divorce

Divorce is traditionally among the most stressful situations that individuals can face in their personal lives. Still, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take steps to make it less stressful for everyone involved. As an experienced divorce lawyer – including those who practice at The Law Office of Daniel Wright – can attest, most of […]

Why Should You Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Living in the United States means that you have the right to remain silent until you are with a lawyer. This is exactly what you need to do if you ever find yourself in a compromising situation where police decide to take you into custody. Say that you want to retain the assistance of a […]